The Town of Princeville is planning for the future!
Town Staff is working with the Municipal Planning team at Stewart, Inc to craft a new Comprehensive Plan for Princeville. Comprehensive Plans provide a long-range vision and act as the guiding policy document for a community. These plans help to identify and direct redevelopment opportunities, community infrastructure decisions, and help to formalize the community identity. Princeville has a long and significant history, and after the flooding in 2016, the Town was the focus of planning and design efforts involving Eastern Carolina University, North Carolina State, and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This resulted in the Princeville Community Flood print Resiliency Plan and the Recovery Plan, both produced in 2018. This Comprehensive Plan will build on these efforts and engage a broad spectrum of the community to develop implementable strategies towards our goals.
The first step in this process is reviewing previous efforts and understanding priority issues. Following this is an effort to update the Town’s Zoning Ordinance to follow the Plan recommendations and assure compliance to state planning laws (Chapter 160D). Additionally, a new Subdivision Ordinance will be prepared to assist developers in building neighborhoods that meet the needs of the community and satisfy both the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance.
Please visit the weblinks below for more information, to stay informed of progress, receive notification of upcoming public meetings, and take the project survey.